Family TherApy
What is your family dynamic?
If you are considering family therapy, there is likely a disconnect.
One family member believes they have the solution ‘for all the family’s problems.’ Other members disagree. It is even possible that some members of the family think there is no problem; others may think it is a different problem.
This in a sense is blaming. Because some ‘one’ is generally seen to be ‘in the wrong.’ Usually when blaming comes into the family, it brings along its friends of arguments, distrust, disrespect, helplessness, and disconnection.
Essentially at the time the family needs to come together is when the problem is driving them apart.

How family therapy can help…
Family therapy can provide a space where each person can feel heard, understood and validated. This does not necessarily solve the problem(s) but creates an openness for ideas of possible solutions to flow, respectful communication to exist, understanding of one another and greater commitment to work together to tackle all the issues.
This is where family therapy can be useful in lending support to the family as they come together to deal with the issues that cover many facets of the family dynamics.
It is also the goal to rebuild the family in their shared values, principles and commitments they hold precious. Often, these must be defined so that each family member recognizes and agrees with what the values and principles are.
Remove the ‘pointing fingers’
Whose fault is it? It is not our goal to determine if the situation is anyone’s fault. Our goal is to take where things are within the family and meet individually and as a unit to bring solutions. The family can regroup and refocus.
We’ve heard that a whole is only as strong as its weakest link… it is the goal of family therapy to examine each link to determine what that ‘link’ needs to become to fit in with the whole. Putting the health of the family unit first, we can work together to bring about a new vitality, a shared love, and genuine enjoyment within the family unit.
Please contact me today at (301) 383-5620. I will work with you to help you find a healthier way of family living.